In Police Matters

From Cambridgeshire Constabulary

South Cambs has active and very enthusiastic Speedwatch groups and would welcome new volunteers to help them run more sessions.

The Community Speedwatch scheme trains volunteers from members of the community to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood.

Volunteers are trained to use speed indicator devices which display vehicle speeds. The registered owner of any vehicle seen exceeding the speed limit is sent an advisory letter by the Constabulary, explaining that speeding is unacceptable to the local community and asking them to be more considerate.

Volunteers typically offer 1 to 2 hours a month helping to reduce the speed of vehicles driving through their neighbourhood. There is no expected time commitment, volunteers attend sessions when they like, and it’s a great opportunity to meet new people, and enjoy the activity whilst benefiting your community.

Volunteers are fully trained and insured by the Constabulary.

Training sessions will be held on Saturday’s 14th April, 12th May, 9th June and 14th July starting at 10.00am in Cambourne Police Station. If you would like to attend please book a space via e-mail.

If you would like more information please contact